About Us:

Dan is an Associate Certified Pranic Healer and has been practicing Pranic Healing and other modalities for 10 years. The depth, practicality and structure of Pranic Healing and Master Choa Kok Sui's teachings enhanced the powerful connection to the higher self which has led him to grow and develop not only his intuitive aspects but his capacity to heal and support others. Dan's true gift resides in his ability to see clearly and support healing and learning journeys. 

Dan works with Colette Chabot on the executive committee of the Pranic Healing Association  of Manitoba, teaches Basic Pranic Healing and volunteers at the Relaxation Room for staff at the Health Science Centre.

Contact Dan for courses, healings, or clearings, and visit the Pranic Healing Manitoba website for more information on the benefits and effectiveness of Pranic Healing.