Dianne Winser
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
About Us:
Dianne Winser
Spiritual Healing by Dianne
Dianne will assist you on your spiritual healing journey by orchestrating angel readings, clearings, workshops and angel parties.
Dianne is a licensed Spiritual Coach and a Light Worker focused on the vast power of the angels. She receives guidance from the Angels by reading Angel cards. Dianne has learned that when you work with angels, you can lean upon their light to help you heal in miraculous and amazing ways. The angels can help us heal physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially. Dianne uses Doreen Virtue’s cards and has many decks to choose from.
Dianne can help you get guidance from your angels or teach you how to connect to your own angels through:
Angel Readings, Clearings, Angel Parties, Workshops - Connecting to your angels and Law of Attraction
Angel & Law of Attraction Workshops: http://www.spiritualhealingbydianne.com/