Meditation – Mindfulness, Messages and Mindlessness - 10:30am
Irene Wagner
You are invited to join Irene Wagner to explore the different types of meditation and to take part in a grounding and clearing guided meditation.
Do you believe that you should meditate at the same time every day? That your thoughts should be completely still?
Do you think that if you get messages, it’s your ego or overactive mind talking to you? How do you know that it’s your higher self or your guides?
This talk will address those questions.
Dragon’s Breath Wellness offers Intuitive Energy Healing, Akashic Records Healing, Mediumship and Oracle Card Readings. The mission is to help you discover your soul’s purpose to and to live your best life.

Finding Clarity: Aligning Your Inner World - 11:30am
Lillian Jane Studio - 11:30am
Together we'll explore how conflicting thoughts can block your desires. You will come away from this workshop with practical tools to understand and move through your emotions, work with hidden beliefs, and create more of what you want in your life. Using shadow integration and EFT, together we can create clarity with ease!
The workshop will consist of a short presentation and then a 30minute EFT tap.

Manitoba Holistic Nurses - 12:15pm
Come meet registered nurses Kelly and Navsharn talk about the future of nursing and how they have come to enhance their nursing practice. Kelly and Navsharn are Registered Nurses who are working with Integrative modalities in their nursing practice to promote a well-rounded and diverse healing journey for individuals and communities.
Holistic nurses may specialize in plant medicine, Reiki or other energy healing practices, health coaching, talk therapy, or many other techniques to assist in stress reduction, chronic pain, grief, depression, anxiety, to promote self-care, and adopt a holistic lifestyle. Holistic nurses address not only the physical and mental, but the energetic and emotional aspects also. In doing so, individuals and communities thrive to become a stronger and healthier version of themselves.
Kelly holds a specialty in nurse coaching and is a cannabis nurse and consultant. Navsharn is also a nurse coach trained in reiki and desires to work with children and families to promote healthy living. We look forward to having discussions and opening the context of how you can work with a holistic nurse!

Past Lives and Why they Matter - 1pm
If you are curious about the concept of past lives and want to learn about how your life may be influenced by past events join Heather Kolisnyk from 22 Wellness to develop your understanding of past lives, regression techniques, and healing methods for past wounds.
This session discusses the idea of reincarnation and how our experience in this lifetime can be influenced by our past life experiences. We may have developed skills and abilities that are carried forward into the current life. You may also have wounds from the past that are seeking healing in this lifetime. Unexplained fears, chronic pain, and behavioral patterns may all be linked to past life experiences.
Examples of connections between past and present lives will be discussed to help clarify your understanding. You will participate in a meditation to allow you to get in touch with one of your past life memories.