Name / Company:

Heather Kolisnyk - 22 Wellness

How did you get started?

For much of my lifetime, my view of the world was practical and rational. I had a conservative upbringing and trained as an accountant. But after a particularly stressful period in my life, my perception changed. I went to a reiki class and instantly I could feel the flow of energy in my body and all around me. I began to experience the world in a completely different way. I was astonished with the experience and felt compelled to learn everything I could about spiritual practices. So, began my 20-year journey of learning and growth.

What is important about what you are doing?

After finding balance in my own life, I have shared my skills and knowledge through 22 Wellness. I see the success of these spiritual practices as they improve the quality of the lives around me and help others find meaning and purpose. I see how spiritual practices complement medical procedures and more traditional healing methods for a complete healing process.

What is something you would like to share with people about what you do?

Spiritual practices can open us to opportunities in life and can be used as a support through life's challenges whether that be grief, loss, trauma or healing of the physical and spiritual body. Since 2000, I have supported hundreds of people – friends, family and clients – through life’s challenges and toward self-discovery.

Where can people get in touch with you?